The YMCA of greater Boston has a very professional employee handbook, not only does it include all their policies and procedures for full time, as well as part time employees, but it also includes a new hire kit. The new hire kit has all of the forms and documents a new employee is required to fill out, including benefit forms, tax forms, waiver forms, and anything else they might need to get up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Having everything together in a single printed booklet allows the Y to provide all new hires with a single, easily portable, professional package. The booklet can be taken home to be reviewed and filled out with family members, once complete the appropriate forms are removed from the booklet and returned to HR, while the rest of the booklet is retained by the employee for future reference.
The handbooks are great, except for one small problem, the required forms change on a regular basis, particularly government forms, but because they are included in the booklet they can't be changed without changing the entire booklet. The solution: add a pocket to the back cover of the book, remove the new hire pages and allow them to be separately inserted into the pocket instead.
This small change not only solved the problem of the booklet having outdated information but it also saved money in many ways. The booklet now has fewer pages so the cost is less, waste has been eliminated, no booklets are discarded because they contain obsolete information, and the forms that do change are printed on an as needed basis by the low cost black and white printer in the HR office.
Combining booklet printing and pocket folders allowed the Y to maintain a professional employee handbook, while saving money at the same time.