17 billion dollars, that's the cost of avoidable readmissions to the hospital as documented by the Dartmouth Institute. Billion with a B, some serious cash and doesn't include the emotional and physical cost to each individual patient that returns to the hospital often within 30 days of being released.
Case Studies | Money Saving Tips
Can An Accordion Folder Reduce Health Care Costs?
Posted by Chris Higgins on Thu, May 24, 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Topics: Advertising, Custom folder, accordion folders
Bank Uses Accordion Folder As Perfect Cross Selling Tool
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Mar 26, 2012 @ 11:20 AM
Every business person knows it's much easier, and less expensive to sell something to an existing customer than it is to find and acquire a brand new customer. The standard rule of thumb is that it costs six times more to sell something to a prospect as it does to sell that same thing to an existing customer. That stat alone should provide plenty of incentive to focus a significant portion of your marketing budget on educating and cross selling existing customers.
Topics: Business Printing, Advertising, Custom folder, accordion folders, document holders
Accordion Folders Help Expand Educational Opportunities
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Jan 26, 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Stanford University is committed to expanding educational opportunities for underprivileged students, so much so that they created a foundation to spread the word about low cost or even no cost opportunities available at some of America's best universities.
Topics: Custom folder, Pocket folders, accordion folders, presentation folders
Pocket Folders: Passport To A Better Life For Animals
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Dec 20, 2010 @ 08:55 AM
Pocket folders come in many shapes and sizes and serve many purposes, The Humane Society of Silicon Valley uses a pocket folder to create a better life for animals in their community.
Topics: Business Printing, Advertising, Custom folder, Pocket folders