The number one way to save money with either booklet printing or brochure printing is to make sure the right equipment is used to produce the job. Printing presses are not created equal, they can't be all things to all people, while a printing press may be able to produce a particular booklet or brochure that doesn't necessarily mean it can do it efficiently or economically.
Case Studies | Money Saving Tips
Booklet Printing; The Number One Way to Save Money
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Nov 8, 2010 @ 17:44 PM
Topics: Brochure Printing, Booklet Printing, saving money, Save money, low cost print, Booklets
Combining Pocket Folders And Booklet Printing Saves Money For YMCA
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Oct 25, 2010 @ 14:43 PM
The YMCA of greater Boston has a very professional employee handbook, not only does it include all their policies and procedures for full time, as well as part time employees, but it also includes a new hire kit. The new hire kit has all of the forms and documents a new employee is required to fill out, including benefit forms, tax forms, waiver forms, and anything else they might need to get up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Topics: Booklet Printing, Pocket folders, Save money, Booklets