The number one way to save money with either booklet printing or brochure printing is to make sure the right equipment is used to produce the job. Printing presses are not created equal, they can't be all things to all people, while a printing press may be able to produce a particular booklet or brochure that doesn't necessarily mean it can do it efficiently or economically.
Skyline Title, a title agency in New York City, provides a perfect example of this key point. They wrote a book "A Guide To Purchasing A Home In New York". They printed 1000 booklets to provide to their clients; they paid $9 each for a 52 page coil bound, two color booklet. A local printer produced the job, and at the time $9 each seemed like a reasonable price. What they didn't know is that had they searched out a vendor with the right press to produce the booklet more efficiently they could have saved thousands of dollars.
A larger press can produce 8 pages on one sheet reducing the cost of the booklet by over 60%. In addition because the pages run 8 at a time all on one sheet they are able to add 6 pages to the booklet and still achieve a huge savings.
You don't have to understand printing to make this work for your company you simply need to work with someone who does. In simple terms it's likely that the the first booklet printing run ran on a press that produced two pages per sheet, moving to a press that runs 8 pages per sheet cut the production time and paper usage dramatically resulting in huge cost savings.
The next time your company needs booklet printing, brochure printing or any printing for that matter keep this important fact in mind, you might just find that by using the right equipment to do the job can save your company a ton of money.