Case Studies | Money Saving Tips

Accordion Folder Dramatically Improves With One Small Change

Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Apr 8, 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Premia relocation services had a problem, as a national relocation service with customers all over the country they created a long lasting, memorable and useful package their customers  keep after using their services. A branded plastic accordion folder that's durable, customizable, easy to use and a great tool that their customers use again and again.

While the customers love the accordion folder because it's compact, clean, easy to use and a great tool for storing and organizing documents and important information they receive during the relocation process, the accordion folder was difficult and expensive for Premia because it wasn't fully assembled.

The accordion folder they'd been using was printed with their logo and included 12 individual plastic pockets but the tabs for the pockets were not printed nor were they inserted into the appropriate tab to indicate what each pocket is for. While Premia was paying a few dollars for each folder they still had to have an in house person print 12 tabs for each folder and manually insert each tab into the appropriate tab divider to indicate which documents go in which pocket. Considering they service thousands of customers each year this became a very time consuming and expensive task, there had to be a better way.

A quick Google search for accordion folders brought them to Dataguide. We were able to provide a less expensive accordion folder that's not only completely assembled but also includes color coded tabs for each pocket further improving the product.

     accordion folder     accordion folder





Not only has Premia been able to save an enormous amount of time and resources by using a completely assembled accordion folder, but they're also paying less then they paid for the unassembled folder. In addition with the color coded labels their customers enjoy a far better looking product.

Accordion folders are a perfect document package for many industries, from health care to title insurance, from law offices to banks and credit unions. They are available in plastic as well as paper and come in various shapes and sizes. In order to get the most from any document holder make sure to think about not only how your end customer will use it, but just as importantly what's invloved in preparing it to be delivered to the customer.

Topics: accordion folders, Document folders, document holders