Marketing your business using promotional products certainly helps increase name awareness and drive referrals. One of the most cost efficient specialty items is customized notepads. This product is extremely versatile and lend itself to tons of uses in the business world.
Here are some ways to stick out from the crowd using branded notepads:
1. Direct mail
Instead of mailing a simple post card that could be easily overlooked, include a customized notepad in an envelope along with a brochure or flier. Sure, postage might cost a slightly more, but recipients will notice the "bulky" package and quickly open it to find out what's inside.
2. Parting gifts
Leave a customized notepad with your other marketing materials following a meeting with potential clients. Even if your brochure doesn't get much attention after you leave, the notepad will get used, and your company's name will stay at the top of your prospect's mind.
3. Say thanks
Include a customized notepad in a with the thank you letter you send to clients who use your service or buy your products. Thank you's are a vital part of business success and notepads are a very cost efficient way to express gratitude without breaking the bank.
4. Trade shows
Give way customized notepads at trade shows, business expos and other large events where you want people to remember your company's name. They're cost efficient, especially when bought in large quantities, and very easy to transport to and from the event venue. Since notepads are so ubiquitous to the business world, attendees at these events love to receive these free items. They'll remember your company for having supplied such a useful item.
5. Prizes
Businesses like yours are often asked for donations of door prize by charitable organizations. If you choose to make a donation, be sure to include one of your customized notepads in the gift package so the recipient will associate your brand with philanthropic giving.
6. Table setting
When your business sponsors or hosts a luncheon or seminar where attendees will be seated at tables, use your customized notepads as part of the place setting. The notepads will probably get used during the event and they most certainly won't be left behind when everyone leaves.
Don't overlook an opportunity to stand out from the crowd using customized notepads in your marketing efforts. These specialty items can be customized for your business and they provide a versatile means of achieving brand recognition.