Attracting college students has become more competitive than ever, and when enticing the student to chose your institution over another, the impression that you make can influence the end result. Creating a packet of information for prospective students can be challenging. Especially for a University, or College, the presentation folder will contain some of the most important information that a student or parent will base a 4 year decision upon. Whether the materials are hastily gathered, or whether there is thought put into that customized folder will be immediately evident to the recipient.
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
5 Tips: Attracting University Students Through Presentation Folders
Posted by Jody Raines on Wed, Apr 20, 2011 @ 09:52 AM
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Topics: Brochure Printing, Booklets, presentation folders, booklet