You know the old saying "if you want something done right do it yourself"; maybe that was true in the past but in these complicated times it should be changed to "if you want something done right hire a professional".
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
Real Estate Marketing; professionals get results
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, May 18, 2009 @ 09:06 AM
Topics: Advertising, Marketing, saving money, marketing campaign, return on investment
Brochure printing; secrets that save money, volume 2
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, May 4, 2009 @ 09:25 AM
Brochure printing can be an expensive undertaking but not if you know the secrets to saving money. For brochure printing in small quantities, say 1500 or less, think digital and think savings.
Topics: Brochure Printing, Business Printing, saving money, Booklets, brochures, printing
Business printing | Using a distributor is like going to Walmart
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Dec 17, 2008 @ 22:54 PM
Now the sentiment is one thing but the reality is another. with the exception of apple picking where you actually drive to the orchard and pay for the privilege of picking your own apples, almost everything you buy comes through a distribution channel that reduces the cost. Take the apple picking example: you can stop at the market (distributor, retailer, broker call it what you want) and buy a bag of apples for $5. Or you can go the direct route spend half a day in the car with the family, drive for an hour and pay $30 to pick your own. When you add in the gas and time, the cost can approach $100. Obviously you get a lot more in terms of family time and relaxation but when all you want is apples using the local distributor (market) costs a heck of a lot less.
Topics: Business Printing, saving money, document holders, desk pad calendars, custom stationary, Walmart
Business Printing | When paying less means paying more
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Nov 17, 2008 @ 23:12 PM
I spoke with a prospect recently who was very concerned about paying the lowest unit price for all of their printing products. That makes sense, I mean who wants to pay more than necessary, but sometimes, especially with printing, focusing on unit price can end up costing much more.
Topics: saving money, Custom posters, Print on demand