When you purchase promotional products as a means of advertising your business, you've got to think about how they'll be used especially if you're a B2B company. If you offer outerwear or shirts, there's a chance the apparel won't be worn in front of potential clients. The t-shirt you give to a referral source might just end up being worn while he or she goes shopping on the weekend which is great if your target is other consumers but if your target is specific business buyers, not so good.
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
Branded Desk Accessories Guarantee Impressions In The Office
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Mar 12, 2014 @ 07:00 AM
Topics: branded promotional items, desk pad calendars, travel document folder, Customized Notepads
Online Ordering Rescues Desk Pad Calendar Program For Title Underwriter
Posted by Chris Higgins on Fri, Nov 22, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
It was that time of the year again. No, not the holiday season. It was deskpad calendar ordering time at the title insurance company where Jake worked. As the company marketing rep, he was saddled with the responsibility of overseeing the entire process, and he was not looking forward to it.
Topics: promotional calendars, custom desk pad calendar, desk pad calendars
Design Options To Make Your Desk Pad Calendar Stand Out
Posted by Chris Higgins on Thu, Oct 3, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
Given what a great value desk pad calendars are, with their low price-per-impression and year-long performance, your business might find itself competing for space on your clients' desk. After all, you're probably not the only business in town that understands desk pad calendars are one of the lowest cost and most effective business to business advertising tools.
Topics: custom calendar, custom desk pad calendar, desk pad calendars
Why A Desk Pad Calendar Is The Ultimate Business Gift
Posted by Chris Higgins on Tue, Aug 6, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
For most B2B companies, completing a sale is only the first stage of their relationship with a client. Reinforcing and maintaining that relationship so the client will continue to come to your company for future sales is an important part of doing business. A method of strengthening client relationships that many businesses have found highly effective is the use of promotional gifts. However, not all gifts are created equal, and choosing the right kind of gift for your clients and leads will help maximize your return on investment. When considering the many different forms of promotional gifts you can buy, the one that stands out far ahead of the pack is the desk pad calendar.
Topics: branded promotional items, Printed Marketing Materials, desk pad calendars
Promotional Desk Pad Calendar: A Simple And Effective Marketing Tool
Posted by Chris Higgins on Sun, Jun 30, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
Can you think of any ways of ensuring that your brand and message is seen by your leads and clients every single day they come into the office, or even every day of the year?
Topics: branded promotional items, Printed Marketing Materials, desk pad calendars
Desk Pad Calendars: Promotional Gifts That Keep Giving Back
Posted by Chris Higgins on Fri, May 4, 2012 @ 13:58 PM
Promotional desk pad calendars are a textbook example of the rule of reciprocity in action. They generally stick around and keep giving back, fulfilling the rule of reciprocity all year long.
Topics: branded promotional items, Printed Marketing Materials, desk pad calendars
4 Ways Promotional Calendars Deliver Year Round Value
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 @ 10:08 AM
If only you could hang around your customers’ offices to keep them constantly mindful of your business, your brand, and the value of your products and services.
Topics: promotional calendars, branded promotional items, desk pad calendars
Deskpad Calendars: Advertising For The Lowest Cost
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Mar 12, 2012 @ 13:00 PM
There are no printed promotional items more practical and used more frequently than deskpad calendars, and for very good reason. Along with other types of printed calendars, they beat every other advertising and promotional medium with an impressively low cost per impression, providing a great return on investment.
Topics: branded promotional items, Printed Marketing Materials, desk pad calendars
Business printing | Using a distributor is like going to Walmart
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Dec 17, 2008 @ 22:54 PM
Now the sentiment is one thing but the reality is another. with the exception of apple picking where you actually drive to the orchard and pay for the privilege of picking your own apples, almost everything you buy comes through a distribution channel that reduces the cost. Take the apple picking example: you can stop at the market (distributor, retailer, broker call it what you want) and buy a bag of apples for $5. Or you can go the direct route spend half a day in the car with the family, drive for an hour and pay $30 to pick your own. When you add in the gas and time, the cost can approach $100. Obviously you get a lot more in terms of family time and relaxation but when all you want is apples using the local distributor (market) costs a heck of a lot less.
Topics: Business Printing, saving money, document holders, desk pad calendars, custom stationary, Walmart