Everyone wants their promotional items to end up in everyday use, but it's a constant challenge. The main key is to give away something that's genuinely useful to a customer. I've often noted, for example, how often I see people with branded bottle openers. They're just uncommon enough that once you find a good one, you're likely to hang onto it.
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
How To Create Printed Mouse Pads Your Customers Will Love
Posted by Chris Higgins on Tue, Sep 3, 2013 @ 07:00 AM
Topics: printed mouse pads, promotional items, printed promo items
5 Ways Promotional Products Improve Your Marketing
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Mar 14, 2012 @ 09:30 AM
One of the most effective forms of advertising is promotional product advertising. On average, you visit your refrigerator more than ten times daily. For this reason, a refrigerator magnet is a great advertising tool. Imagine having your marketing message receive that much exposure for such a minimal cost. In fact, the numbers show that a family of four may be exposed to your marketing message and logo in excess of 14,000 times each year. Refrigerator magnets are cost effective and produce results.
Topics: Advertising, Marketing, Promotional advertising, printed promotional items, printed promo items
4 Steps To Brand Recognition WIth Printed Promo Items Campaign
Posted by Jody Raines on Mon, Aug 22, 2011 @ 16:21 PM
Strategically printing and mailing information is an outbound marketing approach that works, as long as there is consistency of message or theme. Creating a brand identity, then consistently and persistently distributing that brand or theme is important to establish an ongoing recognition for the brand.
Topics: direct mail promo items, promo items envelope, printed promo items