A customer recently decided to utilize our Web To Print solution for their business cards. The original goal was to reduce the cost of the cards. they quickly realized a Web To Print solution could provide even more valuable savings by revolutionizing their entire ordering process.
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
Topics: Business Printing, Save money, Reduce cost, envelope printing, custom stationary, Distribution
Envelope printing; want to save some real money?
Posted by Chris Higgins on Mon, Apr 6, 2009 @ 08:47 AM
I was throwing away an envelope the other day and the postmark made me stop; the postage was $0.83; not that big of a deal if I was the only one receiving the letter but it was a form letter that probably went to thousands of people. $0.83 multiplied by thousands turns into real money pretty quick.
Topics: Business Printing, Save money, Reduce cost, envelope printing, mailing services
Brochure printing, secrets that save money. Volume 1
Posted by Chris Higgins on Sun, Mar 29, 2009 @ 22:02 PM
Brochure printing can be an expensive endeavor particularly if you don't know some of the many ways to keep costs down. Keep the following secrets in mind the next time you're involved in a brochure printing project, or any printing project for that matter.
Topics: Brochure Printing, Business Printing, Save money, Booklets, Reduce cost, brochures
If you're looking to save money on a brochure printing project, or any large printing project for that matter it pays to focus on the process. In 2006 Infotrends did a study that concluded for every $1 spent for printing there's as much as $6 spent in the process, therefore you can save a lot more by focusing on the entire process that you can by just focusing on the printing cost. See diagram below.
Topics: Brochure Printing, Business Printing, Save money, Booklets, Reduce cost, brochures
Document folders lost? | Keep track of your stuff!!
Posted by Chris Higgins on Wed, Dec 24, 2008 @ 13:26 PM
It was a strange call, a customer wanted to know where his document folders were. We quickly looked up his order history and realized he hadn't ordered document folders in almost a year. The real surprise was when we realized the folders he was looking for had been delivered almost a year ago. Four pallets, 40,000 folders, and he had no idea what had happened to them; didn't believe the delivery had been made. Even after showing him the P.O.D. - proof of delivery- that clearly showed not only were the folders delivered but he signed for them he wasn't convinced.
Topics: Save money, Document folders, Reduce cost, inventory control, Distribution