In business, image means more than we sometimes like to admit. We all like to brag about our accomplishments, but those take time and energy to convey to a potential lead. When buyers today are being assaulted by more marketing messages than ever before, they don't always stop to carefully consider your offers.
A lot of the time, buyers are making extremely quick judgments about your company based solely on external appearances. They have to be impressed by your business's looks before they'll start to investigate its substance.
This presents a formidable challenge to virtually any business, making it vital to always establish your credentials through quality products. When a buyer might be judging you solely on the merits of your logo, you need to be doing everything possible to present it in the best possible light.
Branded promotional items are a perfect way to do this. In fact, in a recent study, nearly three-fourths of respondents said promotional merchandise is effective in brand-building!
Great Branded Promotional Products That Enhance Your Image
1 - Expanding Accordion Folders
There are plenty of ways to package vital documents, but custom-branded accordion folders go the extra mile. Besides being so sturdy and well-constructed that they're bound to be reused, they can be covered in useful branding and messaging both inside and out.
Whether you want an eye-catching portfolio to showcase your product line, or you need a secure way to keep vital legal documents in one place, an accordion folder goes above and beyond... just like your company.
2 - Custom Mouse Pads
Mouse pads are still a great way to promote a business, because modern printing techniques give them eye-popping colors and visual fidelity. They can be cut into virtually any shape imaginable, giving you a great way to work your own corporate look into the mousepad design.
For extra utility, add a business card slot that comes stocked with several cards. Every mouse pad you give out becomes a card dispenser, as people notice the high-quality graphics on the pad.
As an alternative, you could also turn the mouse pad into a miniature tear-off calendar that's a great size for any desk, such as agents working out of home offices. It puts note-taking space right under peoples' hands, wherever they're working.
3 - Branded Desk Gift Sets
To really send a message that a client or lead is valued, a desk gift set is the superior choice. An assortment of useful items - such as a calculator, ruler, and letter-opener - make it a useful addition to any desk it might end up on.
When your promotional products are high-quality, it immediately tells people that your actual products are high-quality as well. This is a great gift for sealing the deal, and making it clear your business means business.
4 - Executive Day Planners
Even when everyone's carrying around smartphones, plain pen and paper is still easier to deal with. The demand for good day planners is as high as ever, which makes this is an excellent promotional product for your most-valued business partners.
Bound in handsome leatherette covers, and with plenty of options for page customization, you can create a book that brings value to your partners every day, while reminding them of your great products and services at the same time.
Gain Credibility And Impressions Through Branded Promotional Products
Finally, let's not forget the most basic message that promotional items send: "We can afford to give away nice products, just to get your business."
High-quality and well-built promotional products send clear messages about the size and quality of your business. It shows that you're serious about making sales and that you're willing to spend a little money demonstrating that your firm is the superior option in your industry.