At the end of the day it's what we're all after in marketing. When it's all said and done, anything you do to help a person remember your brand without actually making them dislike you is probably good for your marketing.
We all want to be among the brands that work their way into a customer's head so that when he or she thinks of our industry, our company's name is what comes to the top of their mind.
A lot of companies like to put their brand on everything, as much as possible, and that's certainly one approach. However, if there's one thing modern Internet marketing has taught us, it's the power and effectiveness of targeted marketing efforts.
The best branded items are those where the customer doesn't even notice the brand consciously, it's just always there. And that's why a branded desk pad calendar may be the single most effective promotional marketing item of them all.
Be There For Your Clients 365
A branded desk pad calendar is an especially effective promotional tool because it's so useful. If you get your calendar onto someone's desk, they'll have your message staring at them every day when they come in, and every time they look down to check out appointments.
For a referral-based business, this level of access to your customer can lead to big results! What other title insurance company, distribution company, manufacturing company, or any other business would be "top of mind" if your information is sitting right on their desk?
A desk pad calendar is especially effective for B2B companies where the mass marketing mediums of radio and TV can't target your audience. Imagine you're a refrigeration supply company and your target audience is air conditioning and plumbing supply dealers all over the country. Is radio or TV an effective way to reach that audience? Doubtful. But what if you could put a billboard in the form of a desk pad calendar in the center of every buyers desk and have it stay there all year? That's the targeting and effectiveness a desk pad calendar provides.
Of course, they'll only want it on their desk if it's attractive, useful, and easy to work with. That's why a custom-designed desk pad calendar can be the perfect fit! If you're competing for space on your customers desk give them something that's pleasant to look at and easy to use.
Custom options allow you to get the most bang for your buck
A lot of the time when discussing desk pad calendars, we can tell people haven't had good experiences. They might think of those poorly-printed ones local schools would give out, or ones so covered in branding that they became hard to use.
You need a desk calendar that's going to stay on your client's desk! That means crafting the design with him in mind.
Take advantage of all the areas along the sides to run your messages. It's the perfect opportunity to really drive home what you're all about. If you've got a wide product range, you've got room to show off your wares. If you're in a technical field, it's a great place for FAQs or other informative material. Or maybe you could just put some jokes, doodles, or cartoons on there.
After all, nothing builds positive brand associations like making people laugh!
The Best Ways Are Sometimes The Easiest Ways
Sure, a few lucky marketing managers have access to bankrolls that would make you weep and can plaster their brand on everything through sheer force of dollars. But for those with a limited budget, the best investments really are those that give the best payoff for the least effort.
Why spend thousands battering the mass market with local radio ads when you can just slip in under the radar instead? Put a desk pad calendar under the hands of people that actually buy your product, and they'll be thinking about you every time they get work done.