Print advertising is dead, they say. Conde Nast is closing magazines because of plummeting ad pages. Newspapers are shrinking into pamphlets, and quite frankly, it's a miracle there's even a physical phone book with Yellow Pages ads anymore.
Print Blog: Communicate, Motivate, Educate, Enhance, Celebrate, Animate, and Promote with Print and Promotional Products
Promotional merchandise; why low-tech thrives in a high-tech world
Posted by Jack Valentine on Thu, Oct 8, 2009 @ 21:59 PM
Topics: Pocket folders, promotional merchandise, Document folders, presentation folders, promotional calendars, printed folders, Simpsons ride, matchbook collecting
Desk Pad Calendars: Inexpensive and Effective Advertising
Posted by Chris Higgins on Tue, Jan 27, 2009 @ 21:15 PM
Advertising is all about timing. Your message needs to be in front of the prospect at the time they need your product, otherwise its very likely to be ignored; that makes it expensive. Advertising over and over, no matter what the medium, can get very costly. Are there other cheaper ways to keep your message in front of clients and prospects each and every day? Desk pad calendars, while often not thought of as traditional advertising can be an inexpensive way for B2B companies to promote their products and services 365 day a year.
Topics: promotional calendars, branded promotional items, desk pad calendar