Title companies perform a vital service for homeowners, offering significant peace of mind by providing assurance that they own their homes free and clear. But after the sale, unless an issue arises regarding the title, the title company and the invaluable service it provides can be quickly forgotten. That means that when it comes time to hire a company in the future, you have little guarantee that your name will be remembered. As a result, it’s difficult for title companies to develop long-lasting customer loyalty among consumers.
Make an impression
Fortunately, there is a way to change that, and it’s a pretty simple solution: Offer homeowners a promotional product at the closing, one that they’ll use long after the transaction has been completed and you’ve gone your separate ways. Title companies that offer a free “thanks for using our service” item at closing establish an initial bond of gratitude with the customer, but the key to ensuring those feelings last – and last and last – is by making sure the product you offer is one that provides the homeowner with real value. To determine what type of product would be most appreciated, you have “think” like a homeowner.
What’s the one pain point all homeowners have in common? Keeping track of important paperwork and making sure it’s easily available when they need it. The closing process itself involves lots of paperwork, all of which the homeowner will need to keep track of while he or she owns the home. In addition to the title policy, there’s the deed, the contract of sale, mortgage-related documents and other paperwork that must be kept for years to come. One of the most useful- and most appreciated – items you can provide the homeowner is an accordion folder designed as a Home Records Organizer or HeRO with multiple pockets so they can keep all the closing-related paperwork, as well as other documents, close at hand and well organized.
Convenient and flexible
Maybe you’re thinking, “Well, any folder can do that.” But here’s the advantage of an accordion folder: Because it provides plenty of room to store more documents, its usefulness is extended long beyond the sale, which means homeowners will be reaching for it time and time again in the future. For instance, an accordion folder is a great place to store all the warranties that go along with home repair and maintenance services and products – the warranty for a new furnace, water heater, alarm or sprinkler system, or sump pump, for instance. This means they’ll have all that vital information available at their fingertips for years to come.
It’s also a great place to store HOA agreements, property tax bills, water and sewer bills, recycling regulations and other documents that pertain to the home and property. Homeowners who use a portion of their homes as an office for a small business – and today, more and more homeowners do – will also find a Home Records Organizer a great tool when it comes time to do quarterly or year-end taxes.
Easy to customize
What’s more, an accordion folder offers real advantages over other types of storage. First, by offering multiple pockets, it can be used to clearly organize paperwork by categories. Second, because they’re expandable, they can hold far more documents than a traditional folder, and unlike binders, they don’t require the homeowner to use a hole punch to keep papers in order. They’re also convenient, less bulky and much more lightweight than a plastic bin or other rigid container. And best of all, they take up only as much space as the paperwork itself, unlike document storage containers which can take up a considerable amount of space even though they may contain only a few documents.
Accordion folders come in a wide variety of styles and materials so you can choose the design and price point that’s right for your business. And they’re also easy to customize with your business information, ensuring your business will be remembered – and very much appreciated – long after the closing process ends.
Offering an easy-to-use product that makes the homeowner's life simpler is a great way for your title company to build customer loyalty.