Keeping the lines of communication open is a key responsibility of a human resources department. Making sure employees are up to date on policy changes, new benefits and other company-related information is a critical apart of keeping morale – and productivity – at their highest.
Helping employees become more organized and providing them with a way to keep all their work-related information in one convenient spot can help them feel more empowered, and it can also help to make your job a lot easier. Multi-pocketed and expandable accordion folders provide the ideal solution for both employees and busy HR personnel.
Here are just three ways an accordion folder can improve communication (you can probably think of lots more!):
Employee orientation kits
This is one of the most obvious uses of accordion folders in any HR department. When a new employee is hired, the amount of paperwork that’s involved can be tremendous. Company handbooks, information about health insurance, employee discount programs, department-specific paperwork, training information, employee investment program information and more – yes, new hires have a lot of paperwork to review and keep track of.
Offering employees an accordion folder along with their paperwork not only helps employees become more efficient (especially important if your company requires timely completion and return of forms), but it also helps everyone start out on the right foot. First, it portrays your department as a helpful resource for company employees; and second, it helps establish right from the start that the company values organization, structure, planning and efficiency.
Of course, by providing an easy place for employees to keep paperwork in one place, your own job can be greatly simplified by eliminating frequent requests for replacement of lost documents. Finally, because they're expandable, accordion folders can serve as a handy repository for additional paperwork the employee might accumulate during his or her career.
Compensation and benefits
Depending on the size of the company, benefits packages can be pretty extensive. Company policies regarding group insurance, including health, dental, vision, life and other insurance products, disability protection, tuition reimbursement, daycare, family leave, sick leave, paid and unpaid vacation policies, ongoing training and other rewards and benefits all have accompanying paperwork – sometimes a single sheet, sometimes several sheets, sometimes an entire booklet. An accordion folder keeps all these documents organized so employees can refer to it again and again when questions about benefits arise.
Likewise, recent changes in healthcare reform have had an impact on many employees. Including information about the impact of healthcare reform on employee healthcare options as well as information on healthcare savings accounts and flexible spending accounts is a way to help employees understand how both corporate and government policies affect their lives.
Outplacement organizer
While it may not be pleasant to talk about, many companies today are reorganizing or downsizing to help them become more profitable and competitive. Many companies seek to reduce the stress and impact on outgoing employees by conducting outplacement activities, either on a one-to-one basis or through group meetings. No matter which approach your company uses, an accordion folder can be a helpful and much appreciated tool for outgoing employees to keep track of outplacement paperwork and materials and to aid them in their search for future employment.
Most outplacement programs offer information about career planning, the job search process, resume writing, interview preparation and more. Accordion folders provide employees a convenient place to sort and store worksheets, how-to tip sheets, sample resumes, and more, and they can also provide a place to keep copies of letters of reference and updated copies of resumes.
Finally, outplacement folders are a good place for employees to keep information about rolling over a 401K account and other retirement account information, COBRA and other health insurance information, advice about applying for unemployment, and more.
In a nutshell, accordion folders help employees by keeping them informed, which in turn can lead to better morale. And, they help prevent repetitive requests for information and forms that can keep HR personnel from focusing on more important tasks. As an organizational and communications tool, accordion folders are an economical solution that’s hard to beat.