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5 Tips For Creating Memorable Direct Mail Invitations

Posted by Jody Raines on Fri, Apr 15, 2011 @ 16:19 PM

How do you make your mailed invitation stand out from the clutter and other items thatiStock 000012343717XSmall clutter an inbox? Direct mail can be expensive and it’s important to make each piece count.

How can you improve the chances that your invitation or announcement has a better-than-average open rate? 

Here are 5 tips to getting your event invitation opened:


  1. Consider printed or colored envelopes - Most envelopes are white, and a few are manilla colored.  What does it say when your envelope is a different color?  It stands out from the rest of the mail and is more likely to be opened, or at least, get attention.
  1. Hand address the package - Personally addressed packages are more likely to contain something personal than a commercially addressed package.  You can even use special fonts that look just like handwriting!   Using a colored envelope or distinct wrapper will immediate designate your delivery as special.  Consider the ink color as well - a light ink on a dark background can signify that the package is special or important. 
  1. Some marketers use the outside of the package for additional advertising space. This tends to make the package look and feel like advertising instead of something personal or special Considering that many folks will stand over the trash while opening their mail, you want to be sure that your direct mail piece doesn’t land up directly in the circular file!  
  1. Consider making your mailer an unusual size - Using an unusual sized envelope or package gets attention.  Oversized may add incrementally to the cost, but can have huge increases in open rates.  Size does matter when it comes to creating neat mailers or unusual invitations. 
  1. Dimensional mailers stand out -  An inexpensive promotional item can be inserted
    into your invitation to add some bulk to the package.  Simple things like a book marker, or a sticky note pad or even a thumb drive add to the value of the package.  It’s cool to open the package and get something. inside.  Make it memorable. 

Topics: promo items, promotional products, direct mail invitations